Would Online Learning Method Overpower the Ancient Method? On the 4 th of January, 2021, the Jyoti Nivas Autonomous College reopened after a long period of 9 months following the Protocols due to the COVID-19 restrain. The college had remained closed during the lockdown. Meanwhile, during the curfew, the college conducted online classes using the MS Teams platform. The college has taken all the measures to keep the environment virus-free by conducting regular COVID-19 tests for the students as well as for the teachers in the Amphitheatre, the students are monitored by the teaching and non-teaching staffs, and alcohol hand sanitizer stands installed in every corridor of the college. The students from the Media Department interviewed the members of the college on their opinions on on-campus classes after a long-time gap. Mrs. Nitu Thakur, from the English Department, felt that nothing could take over the ancient teaching-learning method and also that it is very essential to have t...
Introductio n Communication is the process of imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. It can also be expressed as means of sending or receiving information, such as telephone lines or computers. Components Of Communication The following are the components of communication: Source. Message. Channel. Receiver. Feedback. Environment. Context. Interference. The above are the components of communication. 1) Source The source imagines, creates , and sends the message.the source encodes the message by choosing just the right order or the best words to convey the intended meaning, and presents or sends the information to the audience(the receiver). 2) Message The message is the meaning produced by the source for the audience or receiver.The message brings together words to convey the meaning, but is also about how it is conveyed - through non-verbal gestures, grammar, style, and other elements. 3) Channel The channel is the way in which a messag...
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